AUDACITY: Looking back on 2021

Choosing AUDACITY as my guiding force for 2021 was a bold one, but it felt like the right word for where I was in life. Per usual, ambitions can get in our way and sometimes can keep us focused on what we haven’t achieved (yet) rather than how far we’ve come.

While my year may not have felt audacious to someone else, to me I felt like I made bold and intentional shifts that took me closer on the path that feels true to me. One of the last books I read (all the books are are in this roundup post!) in Dec 2021 was The Big Leap by Gay Hendricks. One of the concepts he breaks down is the “zone of genius” where things just flow and we’re doing our best work—and much of the time it doesn’t even feel like work.

By working less, I had my best financial year yet. I also feel like I put my best work into the world. It’s taken time but every day I see more results from the fruits of my labor through the wonderful people I get to work with through my job.

I’ve learned to see more of how we’re programmed in life to think and feel a certain way that’s not at all our truth. It only gets in our way (hello, shoulds and supposed to). In taking time and making space to get quiet and build in time to reflect I was able to allow more of my potential to blossom. It was also essential that I learned to celebrate the steps and progress along the way. The journey is far more than the destination.

I didn’t realize how the simple (yet terrifying and thrilling) act of swimming in the cold sea would help me face fears. A few days later it made me brave enough to meet the gnome from the movie Amélie! (Speaking of gnomes, here’s the epic gnome cake I got for my birthday too—a complete surprise that was next level!).

I payed close attention to the things that triggered me, made me jealous or envious, or just annoyed and I did work around them. It gave me clues to where I needed to go. I also embraced many things I once judged (hello, astrology—surprise hit of my year). We live in a world where we want everything to make sense, which leads us to trying to control things. I became audacious enough to believe that the universe has a far better plan for us. It may not unfold on the timeline we have for it though. Letting go and surrendering was key too—learning that we can’t control outcomes.

Doing the impossible no longer seemed so impossible after witnessing Christo and Jeanne-Claude’s wrapping of the Arc de Triomphe. The in November, I was able see my dad for 24 hours in London on his way home from Kazakhstan and take him on the British Pullman for his 80th birthday—the train was sold out, but the universe made sure we got on, and on the Wes Anderson car nonetheless.

In embracing this spiritual side I started to discover there are signs and clues all around us. I participated in Street Wisdom three times (on the side time I wandered onto a Keanu Reeves movie set!) which made me see how often the answers are right in front of us. I started recording the signs I see each day and noticed there are a handful that I see every day. I don’t fully know what it means, but I trust it means I’m on the right path.

In many ways this was a big year for me. When I look back at my intentions (and map) for the year of audacity, I feel like I’ve honored what I set out to do, and even surprised myself in the process.

The doodles below capture more of the experiences, highlights, and insights from my year.

I also unexpectedly passed through Sacramento where I got to see my college roommate and her husband (I was the matchmaker!).

Not only was I featured in Forbes, but I forgot to note that I was also featured in Psychologies magazine (UK) to kick off the year!

Stay tuned. In my next post I’ll be announcing my guiding force—and map—for 2022! You can read my reflections from 2019 (launch), and 2020 (explore).

Three times a year I run Mapping Your Path, a 3-month workshop + guided community to support you on your journey. In the fall version we develop a “guiding force” and map our path into the next year (stay tuned for the next post to see my 2022 map!) as my alternative to New Years resolutions.

The next cohort for Mapping Your Path: Finding Direction will open for early bird enrollment in mid-January (Feb kick-off). Every month you’ll be guided through exercises to help unlock what’s already inside you in a fun and exciting way. Working time is integrated into the workshops, as well as intentional time for reflection.

There is also a community space to connect with incredible humans around the world (it’s like a living laboratory for life—where I’m an active participant), and monthly calls where you can connect in real time. You get to connect with others, and with yourself at the same time. The entire experience is designed to support you and acknowledges busy lives (aka you can show up imperfectly and awesome things can still happen!). Sign up on the
workshops page to be notified for when doors open. You’re not going to want to miss this!

I’m also running my signature 2-hour
Write Your Own Rules workshop on January 22nd!