Permission to not do it all (and more messages we need to hear)

Can we talk about self-inflicted pressure? I witness it all the time. I find people apologizing to me for things that don’t need apologies. We’re so conditioned to do more and work harder that the pressure builds (and perhaps at some point we snap).

In Mapping Your Path, my 3-month workshop + community, I can see the guilt building in participants. Sometimes it’s spoken, other times it’s unspoken. They haven’t shown up how they imagined they would, and are hard on themselves.

From the day people sign up to the day the 3 months ends, I do my best to share reminders that it’s never too late and the best results happen through imperfect action. Still, it’s never enough to override this programming.

Here’s the thing. I designed MYP for real humans with actual (busy) lives. It’s designed in a way where you don’t have to do it all. In fact, I don’t want you to. I want you to practice imperfection.

I don’t want perfection in MYP. I find real, raw messiness, and even inconsistency at times is how we know we’re working on real stuff. My goal is to provide a container (and playground!) for this exploration, a place where you can celebrate your wins, and work through the challenges knowing you have a supportive community that has your back.

Yesterday I got the best email from a 2x MYPer. She wrote about how she was a “bad mapper” at times (her words, not mine—I actually witnessed how much she did show up for herself, not how much she didn’t).

She went on to say “despite this, MAGIC HAPPENED (is happening still).” She cited the process of MYP exercises and opening the mind to new possibilities and questions as the key to unlocking new things. MYP is designed to have multiple paths for discovery.

First we must ALLOW this to happen.

Whether you join MYP or not, here are 4 permission slips for you to take with you in life!

If you are interested, check it out here!

mindsetAnne DitmeyerComment