I'm in NOUS! (A book in French)


I met Caroline Arditti shortly before the first lockdown back in 2020 at a mutual friend’s event. We both ended up attending workshops we both ran during confinement and stayed connected. I think one thing we both learned was about the power of connection and the need for community. It’s the people around us who drive us and inspire us.

When Caroline was in Mapping Your Path she already had her book deal and was into the journey of writing where she further learned just how important her tribe of people around her was. At one point she asked me if I would be open to being featured inside. YES! It was such an honor. There’s nothing I love more than helping people map on bananas, write their own rules, and asking what if there’s another way, so I was happy to tell my story. I’m also so honored that MYP got a shout-out in the acknowledgments at the end of the book. One of the other Paris-based mappers got a shout-out too, as she was part of the book naming party.


NOUS: L'art de bien s'entourer pour rayonner ensemble roughly translates to “US: the art of surrounding ourselves with others so we shine together." It’s all about the importance of finding yourself and your community. There’s no English edition at this point (I know it’s definitely on Caroline’s radar), but it’s an excellent excuse to practice your French! Caroline is one of the most fun French humans I know, so it won’t be your typical read. Let’s all shine together!!

If you’re looking for more connection and community in your life, stay tuned. The next 3-mo cohort of Mapping Your Path workshop + community opens soon! Sign up to be notified! Mapping Your Path is the perfect support for the ups and downs of life. It’s a place where we inspire each other in unexpected ways, as we explore our own journeys and the paths we really want to be on—not the ones society told us we should follow.