Make a Map FieldTrip (free! May 4)

What do bananas and maps have in common? You’ll have to join me for my CreativeMornings Make A Map FieldTrip on Tuesday, February 1st at 6pm CET/noon EST Wednesday, May 4th at 6pm CET/noon EST to find out. It’s free when you sign up on the CreativeMornings website. You’ll need to bring a banana (sweet potatoes, lemons, oranges, or anything non-traditional works just fine too), plain paper, markers/pens, and a paper napkin!

I’ve been running these workshops from time to time ever since April 2020 lockdown, and have had a ton of fun with them. I recommend coming into it with an open mind and a spirit of exploration and adventure. Throughout the hour-long experience, I’ll guide you through a series of prompts and you’ll walk away with three maps! No artistic ability required.

For a sneak peek check out the hashtag #makeamapfieldtrip on Twitter or Instagram. If you don’t know CreativeMornings, they’re an incredible free community offering monthly talks through 240+ chapters around the world (that are also shared online), and FieldTrips where you can learn anything and everything from the incredible generosity of the creative community.

If you’ve never experienced my workshops, Make a Map FieldTrip is a great way to get a taste of what my 3-month workshop + guided community Mapping Your Path feels like. The next cohort kicks off on Feb 4th!