Another Way

3-moNTH workshop + community
February–AprIL 2024
KICK OFF: Fri, Feb 2

We’ve officially kicked off but it’s not too late to join!
Doors close Tues, Feb 6.


What if your path looked different than what society PRESCRIBED FOR you?


What if the things you were taught to dread/FEAR are actually what light you up?

What if you could enjoy the ride?

What does it mean to map your path another way? It’s moving your way. It’s another path forward you may not have imagined before (or for yourself). It’s staying open to possibility—other ways, unexpected ways, delightful ways. It’s finding flow and the guiding light within. It’s not waiting for permission or for someone else to tell you what to do—it’s you taking the first step and stepping into your best self, and how you want to show up in the world, and for yourself.

Mapping Your Path is a 3-month container for exploration, self-discovery, and transformation as you think differently, unlock, and own your magic. With direct support from me as your coach, I’ll guide you every step of the way through exercises, journal prompts, workshops, and more. You’ve never experienced “the work” like this—it feels like play as you expand your horizons. Plus, you’ll be a part of an incredible community mapping their own journeys in a way that helps show you what’s possible (they’re the best accountability partners to have on your team of life). There is ANOTHER WAY.


Develop your Playground of Possibilities.

In this round of Mapping Your Path, we’ll be:

  • Exploring our best selves + what brings us energy

  • Reconnecting with our inner child and what lights us up

  • Unblocking our current mindsets, fears, and limiting beliefs (and building the tools to overcome them to get unstuck and make real progress)

  • Creating alternative pathways to get where we want to go (it’s OK if you don’t know where that is yet; you probably know where it is not!)

Life doesn’t always have to be so serious, let’s embrace our inner child and allow ourselves to play! This is where the unexpected magic lies…

THIS WILL BE FUN! It’s your time to BLOOM!

I have done many of those so-called workshops and online programs in the past 3 years, till now I haven’t had such a beautifully designed program, a rich content, powerful exercises and the wonderful people in the community.

I was blown away and it is truly an aspiration and inspiration. Thank you ever so much for welcoming me into your world! I’ve learned a great deal about myself, more than I had with many of the coaches I have had so far. I’m forever grateful.

Nothing needs to be “figured out” to start this journey. Show up imperfectly. Start anywhere. Start before you’re ready.

Maps help show us where we are and where we want to go. No two paths are the same. There’s no one-map-fits-all. Prompts and exercises will guide you to draw your own connections. You’ll learn to tune into and trust your internal guidance system.

Along the way, you’ll uncover your superpowers and find ways to embrace the secret sauce within you.

Detours and discoveries are part of the journey. With new perspectives, opportunities and ANOTHER WAY is possible. They may even take you places better than you could ever have imagined. We can’t escape plot twists and curveballs of life, but we can work to navigate our way forward, finding new pathways on our journeys.

When I first joined MYP I had a very different idea in mind of where it would take me. Instead, I received a life-changing health diagnosis while enrolled. MYP helped give me a foundation and space for reflection. The community was immensely supportive both in listening, and for tangible guidance in launching a podcast to share my new mission around the gift of help.
— Ashley Usiskin (Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
MYP takes me back to basics in a good way and orients me towards an integrated way of thinking about my life. I run my own business supporting social change leaders and have two young kids, and this community has helped me really think through how to best nourish myself amongst it all. I’ve even found time to sit in my travel hammock amongst the trees again.

A living laboratory for life.

This is not your typical workshop + community.


Mapping Your Path is a place where you get to show up unabashedly as yourself.

This experience is designed for people with real lives and busy schedules. You don’t have to do it all.

Some participants join for the workshops. Others prefer watching the replays.

Some participants join for the community.

Some participants join for the monthly real-time small group Connection Calls.

There’s no one or right way to do this. Make it work for you. This is a judgment-free zone.

It’s a place to leave perfectionism at the door. Progress over perfection. If you show up imperfectly you’re probably doing something right.

The people who join Mapping Your Path make it magical and a truly special place to hang out. It’s a mix of ages, phases, and seasons of life. There are freelancers and full-timers from a range of industries and domains, as well as students, new parents, and those navigating career change or retirement. The amazing thing is how we can connect from different parts of the world and different areas of life and have parallel journeys and relatable experiences.

MYP is a healthy, supportive environment, that fosters community and connection rather than instant gratifications, superficial likes, and mindless scrolling. It’s a place to go and people to turn to when you need support, guidance, a boost, to ask a question, or celebrate a win. You are not alone. Often, you’re not the only one feeling what you’re feeling.

Cohorts are small enough so you won’t get lost, and big enough where there’s no pressure to be connected all the time. About 50% of participants are return MYPers. They keep coming back for a variety of reasons:

  • A safe space to explore + the best place on the internet to hang out

  • Intentional time to connect + reflect (think sacred time for YOU)

  • Being in community with others who can understand what you’re going through in life

  • The brilliant hive mind of the community can support you on whatever you’re working on (asynchronous means people around the world can chime in)

  • Connection Calls that are monthly real-time checkpoints

  • Meeting new people (friendships are formed)

  • Taking the work deeper, navigate new opportunities (and challenges)

  • Ongoing, additional support (it feels like having your own personal team of cheerleaders)

  • Because they LOVE it!

Thank you for an amazing MYP session. I am grateful to have learned so much from this process and from everyone in the community. It has been a year since I left my job. I thought I would figure out what I should do next. And I have in a way, but not like I expected. I’ve focused on stretching, to simplify and be lighter as well as to explore.
— Clare wade (michigan, USA)
It’s hard to put this into words - but MYP gave me a framework to create the space I needed to sit in all the swirling. It was the crossroads of all the work that just created a calm eye in the middle of a storm to pause and reflect.

The price was pretty amazing, especially considering how personally involved Anne is with everything. You don’t see that often. The time was very manageable, especially with the options to review on your own. And the community is an extra level of support I know I needed during this time.
The community that you cultivated was so special. It’s incredible that you attracted a group of kind-hearted, supportive individuals from around the world to be a part of the program. Learning that other people were also dealing with the things that I was struggling with and working through them together was what made the program worth it.
— Nishant Bhansali (India + USA)

Exploration > Answers

Progress > Perfection

Action > Over-thinking



Month 2: CREATING NEW PATHWAYS (and re-writing old stories)


Exercises are designed to be creative and fun, using paper, pen, and markers (and sometimes a banana) as a way to think about things differently and encourage ANOTHER WAY. You’ll be guided every step of the process. No artistic experience is required.



  • Your best self (seriously! We’ll work through a multi-part exercise where you learn about yourself through others.)

  • Exploratory maps to support your goals, values, and direction

  • New creative exercises for your personal toolkit to life

  • Your own mini playbook to help keep you on track

  • Journal prompts + reflections capturing your growth and intentions

  • New friends + support system

  • A new, empowered mindset! (We’ll be busting down those blocks!)

I love the structure of MYP and how it creates a manageable cadence without the pressure to do it all, which has been key for me in my current season of life. I also appreciate the monthly MYP rhythm of workshop, breather, reflection, connection call, breather, *plus* the community and Anne’s ever-present support mixed in. It is quite unique and really provides a sense of camaraderie, warmth, and reflection that makes MYP special.

For me, MYP is a form of self-care and participating via replays on my own time is a huge benefit to dive deeper into the exercises with added flexibility. The community side is truly magical and a beneficial asset for accountability and advice for whatever path you’re navigating—at any stage of life. Anne + the community’s encouragement, the MYP resources, and the tools I’ve gained have been invaluable to my growth, joy, and peace of mind.
— Lauren O'Neill (Los Angeles)

How we connect:

The entire experience is a container designed to unlock you and help you gain insights on different levels. Even when you’re not working, there’s magic happening behind the scenes.

The flexible structure was created to work within your life and not feel like a big commitment. You commit as much time as you want. Imagine what would be possible if you carved out 5 hours for YOU each month. (Some weeks/months you may not be able to give as much time—that’s great too, it means you’re living life.)

MYPers look forward to carving out the time for our gatherings, even the replays (that gives them even more time to press pause and reflex). The entire experience feels more like play than work. It’s a place where you get to show up as yourself.


There are four key components that make up each month in the Mapping Your Path container. They allow for flexibility, new perspectives, and time for reflection. There’s no behind in MYP. There is no pressure to do it all.

Monthly workshops with creative exercises (1.5 hr)

  • 1st Friday of the month

  • Mapping-inspired exercises + prompts to unlock creativity and get you reflecting

  • Join live on Zoom or watch the replay (hit pause and spend more time with the exercises)

  • Bring paper, your favorite markers or colored pencils, a journal, and yourself!

  • Time to complete the exercises during the session

Monthly reflection sessions (1.5 hr)

  • Two weeks after the workshop, on the 3rd Thursday of the month

  • Continues to build on exercises from the workshop with one new exercise

  • Join live on Zoom or watch the replay (hit pause and spend more time with the exercise)

  • Time to work on exercises and respond to prompts during the session (if you miss a workshop, you can still join a reflection session and not feel behind)

Monthly [magic] Connection Calls (1 hr)

  • Small group calls composed of 5-6 community members + Anne the last two weeks of the month

  • Sign up for a time convenient for you each month. Call times are staggered across days and times. Every effort is made to ensure everyone who would like to participate in a Connection Call can, regardless of where you are in the world.

  • Think café vibes and informal conversations where everyone is invited to talk through exercises, ask for feedback, or look for support on anything they’re working on or going through in life

  • Intentional time to connect with others (you never know what amazing humans you’ll meet!) in real-time

  • No need to prepare. Just show up!

  • You never know who may meet! These are often an MYP highlight! Magic can happen ✨

MYP Community (ongoing for 3 months)

  • Invitation only private community (on Slack) of amazing humans

  • Great for weekly check-ins to see progress and evolution over time (there’s no expectation to do anything perfectly)

  • Share inspiration, exercises, resources, funny links, etc.

  • Ask questions (ponderings, approaches, biz ideas, experiences, think out loud, find clarity, etc.)

  • Anne is an active participant and you can expect to direct support from her! (The community is incredibly generous and will likely chime in too.)

Wrap up call (1.5hr)

  • To pull everything together, we’ll gather for a final workshop-style check-in and celebration of how far we’ve come

  • Intentional time to look back on our 3 months, reflect, and celebrate how far we’ve come and where we’re going!

  • Join live on Zoom or watch the replay

This global group loves to travel, so it’s not uncommon for people to dip in and out as life happens. Even if you’re not going anywhere, breaks and pauses are welcome and encouraged. There is NO BEHIND. Permission to come back wherever you are.

NOTE: Workshops and reflection sessions will take place from 5-6:30pm CET/Paris (11am-12:30pm EST) on Zoom. Don’t get fixated on dates or times! Replays can be watched on your own time. Those who can’t join the workshops and reflection sessions live still get immense value and connection out of MYP through other points of connection. In fact, many people prefer the ability to pause and take more time with the material and exercises. You will be able to watch the replays whenever you want, and as many times as you want, even after the 3 months are over—you’ll have lifetime access to the replays.

I am so grateful to be a part of MYP, and to have the time to dedicate to all these wonderfully revealing activities! Even though I’m not able to join the workshops live, I’m getting so much out of it! Taking time to watch the replay, and pausing to spend longer on the activities, feels like precious ‘mindfulness’ time for me!
— Michelle Newell (Melbourne, Australia)
Thank you for a really, really fun experience that helped me realize the power of community. I’ve never joined a creative community like this before and am now a believer!

Being a part of this group has really shifted the way I approach new challenges and move away from the ‘shoulds’. Mapping Your Path was essential to me taking the plunge and reconsidering the next chapter of my career path.

The journey is the destination.

It’s time to stop hiding and playing small for what you want deep down.

The journey may not be a straight road, but it is an excellent teacher. When you’re on it alongside others navigating their own paths, it’s far less scary. In fact, it’s freeing and liberating.

WHAT IF, instead of being so fixated on the destination, we focused on how we wanted to feel along the way? What if we allowed ourselves to feel good? What if feeling gave us more clues into what the next step is that we need to take? What if this journey could feel easy, fun, exciting, and energizing? YES, that is possible! There is ANOTHER WAY.

You’ll leave the 3-months feeling:

  • Progress and pride around the steps you’ve taken (especially the small ones)

  • Gratitude and joy

  • Greater ease and peace around where you are and where you’re going

  • Inspired, alive, and energized

  • A new sense of what is possible

  • Surprised (in a good way) by what you uncovered about yourself

  • New clarity


  • Explored what’s next for them
    New locations, new roles/jobs, new hobbies

  • Found new clarity on where they’re headed
    Prototyped, experimented, and explored possible paths

  • Made progress on tangible projects
    Writing, personal projects, blogs, nesting, and biz ideas

  • Taken naps and pauses
    Focused on health and personal needs and boundaries

  • Started the thing they’ve been wanting to do
    Creative practice/habits, podcasts, companies, exit strategy for toxic jobs, created communities

  • Done things they never imagined they would do
    Hosted workshops, bought homes, signed up for yoga teacher training in India a few weeks before it started, moved across an ocean, filed for citizenship

  • Focused on themselves
    Taken a pause from burnout culture, slowed down the pace of life, continued work from previous MYPs

  • Gotten dream jobs + into grad school
    Participants have quit dream jobs too!

  • Reignited joy in their lives!
    Focused on simple pleasures and returned to the basics

You also have permission to detour and change course at any point during the three months together. Often we can be guilty of focusing on the wrong thing due to “shoulds” rather than what we truly feel pulled to do. The exercises and check-ins will serve as checkpoints along the way.

Real progress happens through a series of small steps. The more action you take, the more clarity you’ll have on the right next step.

When I first joined MYP I was so stuck I didn’t know the first step to take. I’d been so focused on survival than anything strategic. The most eye-opening aspect of MYP was discovering a more visual way of putting strategies together. It’s been so helpful to allow me to think and do things differently.
— Susan Trunk (The Netherlands)
Honestly, Mapping Your Path has changed my life. When I first signed up for MYP I was navigating life in Paris after completing grad school. During MYP I quit my job, started my own business, and got my French visa renewed.

Having the support of the MYP community meant a lot during this time as it wasn’t always smooth sailing. Much to my pleasant surprise I even found other MYPers who needed my services and hired me!

As someone who is self-employed and enjoys the company of other people, the Slack community and particularly the monthly connection calls were really helpful for keeping me going.
— Monique Callender (Paris, France)

Meet your guide + Chief Dot Connector: 


Hi! I’m Anne Ditmeyer! 👋

I’m an American in Paris who has never been one to do things the traditional way. From starting my own business in France (which eventually earned me dual citizenship) to exploring how my grandfather navigated us to the moon and back, I’ve always been guided by my “own special gyroscope" as my mom would say.

My favorite question I bring to all of my work is, “What if there was another way?” I’ve also adopted my grandfather’s mantra, “It should be fun!” The motto of my blog Prêt à Voyager (translation: ready to travel) is "Travel is not about where you go, but how you see the world."

As a designer turned creative coach, creativity and play is at the heart of all my work, including making people map on bananas! My workshops have been featured in Forbes and Psychologies Magazine.


Unlike many programs I am not only your workshop facilitator; I’m also an active participant. I live out loud alongside participants, sharing my journey (and insider intel I don’t share anywhere else) with the community.

One of my superpowers is connecting inspiring humans around the world. I love pulling from the library of resources in my brain to help connect the dots between people, places, and things.

Ultimately my goal is to shake up the status quo—and I want to bring YOU on the journey. There is so much power in the collective when we work along side eachother.

I look forward to getting to know you and supporting you on your journey. And most importantly, I look forward to learning from and being inspired by you too!

You’ve got a magical talent: you can gather incredible humans! The MYP community is such a kind, inspiring, resourceful sounding board and your contagious energy paired with your design thinking approach helps one to feel seen whilst gaining clarity and starting building momentum.
I’ve been part of Mapping Your Path since the start. It has helped me reconnect with my creativity in a way I hadn’t imagined before. It also brought fun and magic into my life.

I think it’s the online program I didn’t know I was dreaming of. It didn’t add overwhelm but brought clarity, simplicity, lightness and helped me figure out what was important to me from the first round. Magic. I have fun creating my own maps and enjoy revisiting my notes and exercises from the previous rounds—it always brings insights and sparks.

Anne brings her magic recipe, her authenticity, creativity, fun and design thinking to guide us along the way. It is magical.

She is on the journey with us, shares and is very much active and reactive in the group. It makes it a special place. I love the spirit of curiosity and exploration in MYP, and being with great people from around the world. Anne has a talent for gathering a great community of people in a unique atmosphere.

Goal: Shine the spotlight on YOU.


YES, you!!!! You do so much for others, what happens when you put yourself first? We can best support others and our communities when we nourish ourselves.

We are all on our own journeys and on our own timelines. MYP is not a place for comparison trap. You are already enough, fully worthy and deserving of all you desire.

There is room for everyone to shine! Aminatou Sow and Ann Friedman coined the term “Shine Theory” which says, “I don’t shine if you don’t shine.” It’s the spirit we bring into Mapping Your Path. This is an environment of supportive collaboration and raising each other up, not one of comparison or competition. MYP is also a place to practice showing up for yourself and putting yourself first.

The time to shine is NOW!

Can’t be more grateful for what MYP has brought me on my journey. When I joined MYP I had just signed my book deal and did not realize all the challenges that I was about to experience. Being supported by this community helped me a lot along the way, showed me another way of looking at things & looking at what I had already achieved. MYP even got involved in finding the title of my book because at that exact time I was struggling with it, everything fell into place just by listening and being open to receiving help from others. Truly game-changer!
— Caroline Arditti (Paris, France)
Anne is the master at creating the life she wants to live. Truly inspiring. She guides you through exercises and resources to help you get your sh*t together and live your best life. No expectations, no achievement or productivity requirements. She guides you at your own pace and stresses progress over perfection. You will be awed and humbled by the weekly mind-blowing realizations you will have. I laughed, I cried, I came back to myself.

MYP taught me / reminded me that there is more to a life-well-lived than work and achievement and productivity and money. It reminded me that I want room for laughter and joy and fun in my life and helped me begin to map out a path for how to get those things back into my life.
MYP workshop is different. It carved out the space for me to understand myself better, and with help from Anne and a community of authentic souls, I could use those insights to unlock answers that have been within me all along. The habits, the altered perspectives, and the new career path—they have all been more meaningful and enduring than I could have ever imagined.

Mapping Your Path is alchemy, because it will bring together parts of yourself and others to spark transformation you could never foresee. It’s the most supportive structured community to understand yourself better and make durable, meaningful change to your life.

You don’t have to know what you want to get out of the experience, you just have to know that you’re not where you want to be and you’re not entirely sure why.
— ANNIE YI (Washington, D.C.)

WHAT IF you allowed yourself to be who you want to be? 


WHAT IF you did things in a way that feels true to you? 



You don’t have to do it alone. Together we’ll work on mapping our own paths, harnessing the power of the collective in the company of an incredible global community.

There IS another way.

Open yourself up to another way, new possibilities, and fun.

play by your own rules.

 It’s time to follow your curiosity.


Another Way

3-month workshop + community
February — April 2024

It all kicks off Feb 2!
We’ve officially kicked off but it’s not too late to join!
You’ll have instant access to the kick-off workshop to dive right in.

Doors close Feb 6th. You’re not going to want to miss out.

Spaces are limited to keep the experience intimate and to facilitate connection with others. You will not get lost in the sea of hundreds/thousands of people.

You’ll get direct access to Anne for a fraction of the price of working with most coaches.

You’ll be inspired by amazing humans around the world.

You can pay in full or in three monthly installments. While MYP is a 3-month experience, there is an extended 4-month payment plan to help make it more accessible. Note: signing up for a payment plan is a commitment to pay in full, NOT an option to opt-out early.

There are a limited number of partial scholarships. Information is linked in the FAQ.

ALL SALES ARE FINAL. Mapping Your Path is an investment in yourself. All participants will have ongoing access to the replays after the 3-months are over. One of the mantras in MYP is that there’s no behind in MYP. If you have reservations, questions, or would like clarification on anything please reach out to Anne BEFORE making the investment.

* Prices are listed HT (hors taxe). Taxes vary depending on where the purchaser is located and will be automatically updated at checkout.

Need more testimonials? Click here. You don’t have to take my word for it.



  • There are a mix of participants in Mapping Your Path who are self-employed, work full-time jobs, are in between careers, are full-time care takers, and retired. They come from a wide range of industries: advocacy, creative/arts, architecture, fashion, healthcare, sustainability, climate change, change management, coaching, writing, nutrition, education, marketing, politics/public service, tech, financial services, consulting, self-employed, caregiving, retirement, and more. Community members are so much more than their job. Connections across industries, ages/generations, and locations allow for a unique cross-pollination in the space.

    While many participants do come from creative industries, not all do. In MYP the belief is EVERYONE is creative and EVERYONE is welcome!

    The community is composed of warm-hearted humans from all over the world: US (including South Dakota!), Canada, Mexico, Brazil, South Africa, Scotland, England, France, Finland, Spain, Italy, Germany, the Netherlands, Australia, India, Singapore, the Philippines, New Zealand, and more. Those who join MYP bring rich, diverse perspectives to the group. You never know who you may meet.

    There tends to be a mix of profiles. Many people are in transition and exploring what’s next for them in life, others are well on their way with a clear vision. A lot of people join for the added support and community (particularly great for freelancers/self-employed people).

    There’s no one/right way to do this. It is recommended to start before you’re “ready.” You never know what may be possible!

    You can find more testimonials of past (and current) participants here. You don’t have to take my word for it!

  • YES!! And the most epic community of wonderful humans around the world.

    Unlike most online programs, I’m an active participant in MYP, doing the exercises alongside you and posting my weekly check-ins on Slack. I find there is power in the collective and doing this work in the company of others.

    I’m happy to answer any questions posted on Slack. My only caveat is that you post them on a public channel (rather than DM), as likely you are not the only one thinking about this topic. The hive mind knows far more than I do!

    It’s up to the individual how much they choose to share, but I’m in the MYP community space most days engaging with participants and responding to questions. You also get direct support and feedback from me on the small group Connection Calls.

    Part of the joy of MYP is that I learn as much from the participants as they learn from me.

    Participants interested in going deeper can book discounted 1:1 coaching calls when participating in the current cohort.

  • The fall version of MYP “Into the New Year” (Oct–Jan) has a focus on figuring out how we want to finish the current year, and go into the New Year with intention. The main focus is developing a “guiding force” (word/phrase) and creating a map for the year ahead.

    The spring version of MYP (Feb–April) has a very similar spirit, and is more about unlocking our best selves and our secret sauce.

    Both versions have different creative exercises that complement each other and connect to larger themes. From year to year, the overall workshop themes are the same, however, there may be new exercises introduced as MYP continues to evolve.

    People join MYP during different cycles, and there is no one way/place to start.

    Many people come back for new MYP cohorts to take advantage of the community and meet new people.

    The summer version of MYP is a “lighter” version and is more focus on accountability. It is a bit of an experiment every year.

    More info can be found here.

  • A realistic expectation is to carve out 4 hours a month as devoted time for YOU to spend on MYP. For many, MYP feels like a sacred time for them that they look forward to.

    I fully expect people to have other things going on, that’s why I designed MYP the way I did—the essentials.

    The workshops and reflection sessions are 1.5 hours, and mini group connection calls are 1 hour, in total 4 hours a month. It’s designed with space to breathe. There is NO BEHIND IN MYP!

    Time invested in the Slack community should be whatever feels right for you. You don’t need to feel guilty if you can’t check it all the time or read every message.

    You can post a question in the community without having to “engage” or actively participate—use the community as a support for you, not one more thing to do.

    We all tend to tell ourselves stories about how we need to “make the most of my investment” or, “I need to get my money’s worth.” Insights and learnings can happen in many different forms.

    If you’re in a slow period of life you may find yourself dipping into the community daily. If you have a full schedule and would like to participate in the community, I recommend scheduling time every week on your calendar so you can check-in.

    You don’t have to be the perfect student or top of the class to get a ton out of the experience. It’s a great time/place/space to experiment!

    Often times you may open the Slack community and see a post or resource that is just what you needed to see that day (you take it from there and run). Other times posts may not resonate with you, which is fine—take what works for you, and ignore the rest. YOU DON’T HAVE TO DO IT ALL!

  • YES! YES! YES!

    The workshops are just one component of the MYP experience, which is designed to be a living container adapted to work with people who have real/busy lives.

    Every workshop and reflection session is recorded so you can watch on your own time. Some people even enjoy the fact that they can pause while they watch so they can spend more time with the exercises.

    Even with participants spread throughout the globe, the Slack community is a great way to connect with other community members asynchronously.

    We’ve had multiple people join from Australia and Asia in the past and even though they couldn’t join the live calls, every month I made sure there was a time she could meet others during the “connection calls” (mini groups with 5-6 other MYPers).

    Sometimes people have work or other commitments that keep them from joining live workshops, but the same response as above applies.

    Watching the replays means you can also watch a session in multiple sittings.

    There are different elements that make up MYP, and different components are going to resonate with people differently. The goal is that you can find a way that makes it work for you.

    Everyone has full permission to show up imperfectly and do what you can without adding additional stress to your life.

    You also get lifetime access to the replays.

  • The MYP community is truly AWESOME!!! No one is required to participate, but those who do absolutely love it. It’s not like other communities online. This one is special, supportive, and magical.

    My basic rule is that you need to share it on a public channel and I’ll be more than happy to respond and exchange with you (you may get some awesome other feedback too!).

    You do not need to read every post on Slack to get a lot out of it. You do not need to “engage” with others before diving in or posting a question. This is not like other communities.

    I’ll send you reminders via email as well so you won’t miss anything if you’re not active on Slack.

    I choose to use Slack for the community because it keeps the vibe fun, casual, and conversation (and us off of Facebook). Some people who have used Slack for work or other uses have said the way I use Slack is not like any other experience they’ve had before (that’s a good thing!).

    If you’ve never used Slack before, don’t worry, I’ll be onboarding everyone and sending a short how-to video. Like many things in life, oftentimes the best way to approach things is to learn by doing.

    Some MYPers never log onto Slack and still get a ton out of the experience. People have different needs in different seasons of their life. I encourage/nudge people to engage and share to help you get out of your way. It’s up to you to decide what feels right for you. Give yourself grace.

    New members are welcome and encouraged to dive right in. For others, they may hang back and observe/listen their first time through MYP. It’s a friendly, supportive place, and a truly safe space. No one will bite :)

    This community is not like others and the rules you’re used to may not apply.

    The MYP Slack community has a spirit of celebration, support, inspiration, and cheering you on.

    Anne check-in most days and responds all posts :)

  • There is a significant percentage of returning MYPers who return for more. Some have been around since the beginning, and others have taken a cycle or two off and come back. There’s no one/right way to do this. Just know you’re always welcome back :)

    As humans we are constantly growing and evolving. From year to year we may explore the same exercise through a completely different lens.

    Every round I continue to refine the offer, invite in new inspiration, explore new ideas and exercises, and of course, there are new faces in every round to look forward to.

    Sometimes an idea or concept won’t resonate the first time around, but through reinforcement and continued practice something starts to click. We’ll do many of the same activities that we’ve done in the past, but you’ll go into them with another year worth of experience under your belt. You may even find yourself responding to them in a completely different way than last year’s you.

    MYP is always evolving and so much of the inspiration comes from those inside the community.

  • I never want anyone to feel like they are beyond their financial means to join this group. Note that there are payment plans available as well to help make it more accessible.

    I want to encourage you to think about how you can look at MYP as an INVESTMENT in yourself. The first time I invested in a coach it was terrifying and felt like a lot of money. It turns out it was the step I needed to start taking my business more seriously. It was the nudge, jolt, and support I needed at that time.

    Many coaching programs of this caliber cost thousands of dollars with less access to the leader. I do encourage you to look to see if there is anywhere in your life you can save money (do you really need all those subscriptions?), and see if you can find a way to make it work.

    I can assure you I’ve witnessed so many transformations from people who join the group even though it feels daunting. The ultimate goal through MYP is that you will make shifts in your life through MYP that will set you up for future success.

    The other perk is that once you sign up for MYP you get discounts to other offers including a deep discount to future MYP cohorts.

    This is the first time I’ll be offering a limited number of partial scholarships for up to 50% off. Click here for more information and how to apply.

    Please apply sooner rather than waiting for the deadline. It’s more important to get the application in (it’s easy, quick, and fun!) than doing it perfectly.

Still have questions?

I’m here to help! Shoot me an email at or send me DM on social media.

I’m happy to answer any questions you may have, or help you decide if this is the right fit for you right now. Seriously, don’t be shy. I promise I won’t bite + I will give you an honest answer if you tell me the truth :)